The Commission for Monetary Compensation of Victims of a Violent Crime

Legal aid

Бесплатна правна помош

During the procedure for exercising the right to monetary compensation, you have the right to free legal aid.

To get primary legal aid when filling out the request, you need to contact the authorized official from the regional departments of the Ministry of Justice according to your place of residence/accommodation, an authorized association[1] or a legal clinic (part of the faculties of law).

You can also request secondary legal aid, which includes free representation by a lawyer in the entire procedure. The afore-stated must be previously approved by a Certificate issued by the regional department of the Ministry of Justice or by a Decision from the Ministry of Justice.

The authorized official from the regional departments of the Ministry of Justice according to your place of residence/accommodation, the authorized association or the legal clinic (as part of the faculties of law) can help you in the procedure for obtaining secondary legal aid.


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