The Commission for Monetary Compensation of Victims of a Violent Crime


Cvetanka Perić

President of the Commission for Monetary Compensation for Victims of Violent Crime

Marija Todorovska

Member of the Commission for Monetary Compensation for Victims of Violent Crime

Kadri Hadzihamza

Member of the Commission for Monetary Compensation for Victims of Violent Crime

Svetlana Cvetkovska

Member of the Commission for Monetary Compensation for Victims of Violent Crime

Stevco Donev

Member of the Commission for Monetary Compensation for Victims of Violent Crime

Cvetanka Perić


President of the Commission for Monetary Compensation for Victims of Violent Crime


Judge Cvetanka Perić was born on 08.07.1964 in Skopje. She graduated from the Faculty of Law at the University of St. Cyril and Methodius Skopje in 1989. She passed the Bar exam in 1993. From 1994 to 2005 she worked as an expert associate and independent court advisor at the Court of Appeal Skopje, in criminal matters. By Decision of the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia No. 07-1851/1 of 19.07.2005 she was elected as a Judge of the Basic Court Skopje II, Skopje, and from 2007 to 2011 she was a Judge at the Basic Court Skopje I, Skopje, in criminal matters. In the period from 2008 to 2011, she was a President of the Department for Criminal Juveniles and a President and a member of the Criminal Council. On 30.03.2011, with the Election Decision 07-588/1 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No. 42/11 of 04.04.2011), she was elected as a judge of the Court of Appeal Skopje, where she acted on cases in the Criminal Department. By the Decision of the Judicial Council of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 08-1447/2 from 11.09.2019, she was elected as a Judge of the Supreme Court of the Republic of North Macedonia and has been working on criminal matters to this day. Since February 2021, she has been the President of the Criminal Department and the Criminal Council. Judge Perić was a deputy member of the Board of Directors of the Academy for Judges and Public Prosecutors “Pavel Šatev”, in the period 2020-2022. Judge Peric has extensive participation in training for professional and vocational education. As a judge, she was a lecturer and trainer at the Academy for Judges and Public Prosecutors “Pavel Šatev” with engagement as a lecturer in continuous training, lecturer in initial training, and actively participated in all working meetings of the courts of appeal and the Supreme Court of the Republic of Macedonia for the unification of judicial practice. Judge Perić was involved in the process of implementing trainings on the new Law on Criminal Procedure that the Academy for Judges and Public Prosecutors organized with the OSCE Mission in Skopje. With the support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) within the framework of the project “Prevention of Domestic Violence through National Institutions and an Accountable and Transparent Judicial System 2012-2014” implemented together with UN Woman and the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. Judge Peric is the author of a Practicum for Training of Professionals Dealing with Domestic Violence Against Women. She was also a certified trainer in the JUFREX program of the Council of Europe.  As a trainer, she participated in the development of working materials for the implementation of training on freedom of expression. Judge Cvetanka Perić was actively involved in the implementation of the planned activities within the Regional Network of Women Judges and Men Judges in the Western Balkans dedicated to promoting gender equality – the Network of Gender Champions in Justice (GCJ) coordinated by the AIRE Center in cooperation with regional institutions for training judges as part of the project supported by the Government of the United Kingdom. Within the framework of the UNODC – Global Firearms Programme, Judge Peric has participated in regional meetings on the topic “The Role of Prosecutors in the Criminal Justice Response to Combating Firearms Trafficking”. Judge Perić has been actively involved in the implementation of the activities envisaged within this project and has participated in the adaptation of the “Guidelines for the Investigation and Prosecution of Firearms-Related Cases” prepared by UNODC to national legal frameworks. Within the framework of the “Justicia” project, Judge Perić has participated in the event on the topic: “Criminal Legal Response to Arms Trafficking”, the aim of which was the preparation of a Curriculum for Training on the Investigation and Prosecution of Firearms-Related Crimes. Within the framework of the iPROCEEDS-2 regional project of the Council of Europe for building capacities to combat crime via the Internet, Judge Perić has actively participated in regional trainings implemented on the basis of the Electronic Guide to Evidence, prepared by the Council of Europe.  Judge Cvetanka Perić has participated in activities implemented within the framework of the Program for Reform of the Intelligence and Security Sector in the Republic of Macedonia (2017 – 2023) – DCAF aimed at strengthening the judicial practice for approving and implementing special investigative measures. Within the framework of this project, Peric participated in a series of workshops for the conceptualization and development of a Manual for the Implementation of Communications Interception Measures and also participated in the training of trainers for the dissemination of the Manual. She was also involved in the process of conceptualizing and developing procedures for the storage and destruction of data collected through special investigative measures (2023-2024).

Marija Todorovska


Member of the Commission for Monetary Compensation for Victims of Violent Crime


Marija Todorovska is a dedicated human rights activist and an expert in human trafficking, gender-based violence, and migration. Holding a Master’s degree in Social Work and Social Policy, she brings over two decades of experience in victim support, policy advocacy, and strategic program development as the co-founder and Program Director of the association Open Gate/La Strada. She has authored numerous national and international research studies and reports, offering key recommendations for systemic reforms. Her work has also directly contributed to the initiation and adoption of the Law on Monetary Compensation for Victims of Violent Crime, a significant milestone in protecting victims’ rights. Marija Todorovska has served on the Board of La Strada International and collaborates with various organizations and coordinating bodies, sharing her expertise to strengthen global efforts to combat trafficking, enhance protection systems, and provide support and services to the most vulnerable groups.

Kadri Hadzihamza


Member of the Commission for Monetary Compensation for Victims of Violent Crime


Prof. Dr. Kadri Hadzihamza was born on 5.10.1961 in Skopje. He completed his secondary education in Skopje at the Secondary Medical School “Dr. Pance Karagjozov” in Skopje. He obtained his higher education at the UKIM, the Faculty of Medicine – Skopje, where he enrolled in the academic year 1980/81 and graduated in 1989. In the academic year 2003/2004, he enrolled in the second cycle (master’s) studies at the UKIM, the Faculty of Medicine – Skopje, in the field of clinical medicine. He completed his studies in 2006, with an average grade of 10. On 9.6.2006, he defended his master’s thesis on the topic: “The frequency of certain types of headaches in high school students”.  He applied for a doctoral dissertation in 2009. He defended his dissertation on the topic: “Violence and Abuse of Children and Adolescents and the Consequences on Their Mental Health” on 29.10.2012. Thus, he obtained his scientific degree of Doctor of Sciences in the scientific field of psychiatry. In 2015, he was elected to the title of scientific associate at the Faculty of Medicine in Skopje, in the areas of: mental hygiene, psychosomatics, child psychiatry, psychopathology, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, psychopharmacotherapy, medical psychology and sociology. He is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology at the Faculty of Medicine at the UKIM, in Skopje. Within the framework of the teaching and educational activities of the UKIM, the Faculty of Medicine – Skopje, Prof. Dr. Kadri Hadzihamza teaches and supervise laboratory skill exercises in the first cycle of studies of the study program General Medicine and at the higher schools of the Faculty of Medicine. He was a mentor for several graduate theses and a mentor for a number of psychiatry trainees. The candidate participated as a member of the Evaluation/or Defense Committee for two graduate theses. Prof. Dr. Kadri Hadzihamza participated in several international projects and is actively involved in the professional and applied work of the PHI University Clinic of Psychiatry. He performs professional activities as the Head of the Outpatient Department at the Clinic. Prof. Dr. Kadri Hadzihamza was accredited as an educator by the Ministry of Health in 2007, on the project for management in the health sector. The candidate completed his professional development abroad in 2007 with a study stay at the International Virtual Hospital, at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Arizona, the USA, through the international telemedicine program. And previously in 2001, he attended the Distance Learning Institute in Atlanta, Georgia (USA), organized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Open Society Institute, Skopje. During 2014 and 2015, he underwent professional development in Istanbul, Turkey, at the university clinics for psychiatry in Çapa and Çerah Paşa. For a period longer than seven years, the candidate has been a reviewer in several domestic and foreign professional journals. Dr. Kadri Hadzihamza was nominated for national coordinator for telemedicine in 2008. He is a member of the accreditation team at AKAZUM and has participated in the accreditation and re-accreditation of several medical institutions in the Republic of North Macedonia. He is a participant in an international Horizon 2020 project (IMPULS – Implementation of an effective and cost-effective intervention for patients with psychotic disorders in low- and middle-income countries in Southeastern Europe), and a national project (“Metabolic disorders during the use of second-generation antipsychotics and the influence of gender and diet”). Prof. Dr. Kadri Hadzihamza actively uses the English language.


Svetlana Cvetkovska


Member of the Commission for Monetary Compensation for Victims of Violent Crime


Svetlana Cvetkovska is employed in the Ministry of Social Policy, Demography and Youth as a Head of the Equal Opportunities Sector. She has been employed in the Ministry since 2005 in several positions, including: Coordinator of the National Referral Mechanism for Victims of Human Trafficking, Advisor for Non-Discrimination and Prevention and Protection from Human Trafficking in the Department for Gender Equality and Head of the Department for Prevention and Protection from Discrimination. Previous work experience is in the private sector and in a citizens’ association, as a Program Coordinator in the Organization of the Women’s Union of the Republic of Macedonia on a program for political empowerment of women. During her professional career, she has been a member of several government working groups and she contributed to the promotion of policies and practices for gender equality, non-discrimination, as well as the prevention and protection of women from all forms of violence and discrimination. Svetlana Cvetkovska has participated in a number of working groups and bodies, including: Coordinator of the National Referral Mechanism for Victims of Human Trafficking (since 2005); Member of the National Working Group for the Preparation of the Standard Operating Procedures for Victims of Human Trafficking; Member of the Working Group for the Revision of the SOP for Victims of Human Trafficking; Member of the Secretariat of the National Commission for Combating Human Trafficking (since 2011); Chair of the Subgroup for Combating Child Trafficking (since 2011); Member of the National Coordinating Body for the Prevention and Protection from Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (since 2021); Member of the Working Group for the Preparation of the Law on Anti-Discrimination; Member of the Working Group for the Preparation of the Law on Prevention and Protection from Violence against Women and Domestic Violence; Member of the Working Group for the Preparation of the Strategy for Equality and Non-Discrimination and the National Action Plan for the Implementation of the Strategy for Equality and Non-Discrimination; Member of the Working Group for Preparation of the Ratification Process of the Istanbul Convention (2017); Member of the Working Group for the Establishment of a Referral Center for Victims of Sexual Violence (2017); Member of the National Coordinating Body for Non-Discrimination (2018); Deputy member of the Committee for Combating Violent Extremism; Contact person in the Action Coalition for Bodily Autonomy, Reproductive and Sexual Rights of the UN; Contact person in the Council of Europe for the implementation of the European Convention on Prevention and Protection against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention) since 2018 and Representative in the Council of Europe in the Committee on Non-Discrimination, Diversity and Inclusion since 2022.

Stevco Donev


Member of the Commission for Monetary Compensation for Victims of Violent Crime


Stevco Donev is a Public Prosecutor at the Higher Public Prosecutor’s Office – Stip. He graduated from the Faculty of Law in Skopje at the University of Saints Cyril and Methodius. He worked as a lawyer in Kocani, then at the Basic Court in Kocani. He graduated from the Academy for Judges and Public Prosecutors in Skopje and was then elected as a Public Prosecutor at the Basic Public Prosecutor’s Office in Kocani. He received his master’s degree from the Faculty of Law in Kocani at the University of Goce Delcev – Stip. He also worked at the Special Public Prosecutor’s Office in Skopje, and then represented cases at the Basic Public Prosecutor’s Office for Prosecution of Organized Crime and Corruption in Skopje. He participated in several professional training courses, workshops, seminars, conferences and symposiums in the country and abroad, and also participated in an international symposium on victims’ rights in Europe, organized by EUROJUST.

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