The Commission for Monetary Compensation of Victims of a Violent Crime

The Commission for Monetary Compensation for Victims of Violent Crime Office was opened today

In the past period, the Ministry of Justice worked intensively on the provision and implementation of several activities with the aim of completing the process of an administrative-technical and legal nature for starting the Commission as an independent entity with its work.

The Minister of Justice, Igor Filkov, believes that this represents an important step towards ensuring better protection of human rights for victims of violent crimes. With the opening of the office for the Commission for Monetary Compensation of Victims of  Violent crime, conditions are created for this commission to function as an independent body with the capacity of a legal entity.

Namely, although the Law on Payment of Monetary Compensation to Victims of Violent Crimes entered into force on 25.11.2022, and began to be applied from 25.05.2023, here today, 17 months after its application, the Ministry of Justice has provided conditions for starting the work of the Commission for Monetary Compensation of Victims of Violent Crimes, established on February 13, 2024. The purpose of this law is to provide monetary compensation to victims of crimes committed with violence as assistance from the state, in accordance with the principle of social solidarity, and to prevent secondary victimization as additional suffering that victims may undergo from the attitude of the competent authorities”, said Filkov.

The President of the Commission for Monetary Compensation of Victims of Violent Crimes, Cvetanka Peric, thanked the Ministry of Justice for its efforts to ensure conditions for smooth operation and announced that the next session will begin with processing of cases.

The above content is sourced from the original post, available at this link.

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